Copyright refers to a bundle of exclusive rights vested in the owner of the Copyright. These rights can be exercised only by the owner of the Copyright, or any person who has been duly authorized by the owner of the Copyright.The length of copyright protection may vary from country to country. Apart from the Economic Rights that accrue from this, the Moral Rights which are vested in the Copyright owner are inalienable; and, even when the Copyright has been duly assigned to someone else, he can exercise these rights thereafter. The general term of Copyrights is 50 years. The Nepalese Copyright Act protects original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, cinematography films, sound recordings and much more besides. Copyright registration is not mandatory for protection, but is recommended for better enforcement. Nepal is a signatory to several international treaties including the Berne Convention; copyright protections are thus equally available to works created by foreign nationals in Convention countries. Helping to ensure clients’ compliance in the ever-changing regulatory landscape in marketing. We provide strategic advice regarding licensing copyrighted works, entertainment properties and software, including counseling clients on open source issues. We also counsel clients on enforcing copyrights and defending copyright claims in litigation and appeals throughout the country and coordinate with foreign attorneys to enforce rights and defend claims internationally.